Check your Facebook Security

If you are wondering if it was you ? Then check out this link to find out if the @Facebook security breach affected your account, follow these steps,
Go here:

Scroll down to the section “Is my Facebook account impacted by this security issue?
Here you’ll see a Yes or No answer to whether your account was one of the 15 (the number is moving up and down it seems !) million users impacted. Those affected will also receive a warning like this image here.

If Yes, you’ll be in one of three categories:
A. You’re in the 10 (estimated) million users’ whose name plus email and/or phone number was accessed.
B. You’re in the 14 (estimated) million users’ who had that data plus account bio data accessed including “username, gender, locale/language, relationship status, religion, hometown, self-reported current city, birthdate, device types used to access Facebook, education, work, the last 10 places they checked into or were tagged in, website, people or Pages they follow, and the 15 most recent searches, plus if you like chocolate chip cookies or not!
C. You’re in the 1 million users whose access token was stolen but your account was never actually accessed with it. Then you won the Saturday lotto or maybe go by a ticket tomorrow

Are you wondering what you should do if you are A or B?

If you are wondering if it was you ? Then check out this link to find out if the @Facebook security breach affected your account, follow these steps,
Go here:

Scroll down to the section “Is my Facebook account impacted by this security issue?
Here you’ll see a Yes or No answer to whether your account was one of the 15 (the number is moving up and down it seems !) million users impacted. Those affected will also receive a warning like this image here.

If Yes, you’ll be in one of three categories:
A. You’re in the 10 (estimated) million users’ whose name plus email and/or phone number was accessed.
B. You’re in the 14 (estimated) million users’ who had that data plus account bio data accessed including “username, gender, locale/language, relationship status, religion, hometown, self-reported current city, birthdate, device types used to access Facebook, education, work, the last 10 places they checked into or were tagged in, website, people or Pages they follow, and the 15 most recent searches, plus if you like chocolate chip cookies or not!
C. You’re in the 1 million users whose access token was stolen but your account was never actually accessed with it. Then you won the Saturday lotto or maybe go by a ticket tomorrow

Are you wondering what you should do if you are A or B?

Facebook Emailed you?

We had a client say that they had received an email from Facebook and asked us was it legitimate? If you are in this situation and concerned and rightly so given the latest security breach, then:
Go to your Security and Login Settings by clicking (down arrow) in the top right of Facebook,
clicking Settings and clicking Security and Login.
Scroll down to See recent emails from Facebook and click View.

Simple as that.

Facebook didn’t state that data was removed during the security breach, so there is no reason to run out and change credit cards etc. However in our previous posts we talked about Group A, B, and C.. Group B may want to contact their bank and have their pin changed as there may be enough information there for hackers to be able to ‘guess’ codes, or provide security answers to banks.

Really it’s about taking responsibility for your own data, and not assuming that Facebook will do it for you.

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